The Israel Blog Team

Hagana Ship - Jewish State at Haifa Port 1947

The Jewish Connection to Israel: Chapter Seven – Z is for Zionism (Part 3)

Zionism inspired hundreds of thousands of Jews to immigrate to the Land of Israel and start building a national home there. But once they got to the Land of Israel, how did the Jews handle the terror attcks, carried out against them by the Arabs living in the Land of Israel? What part did Zionism

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Jaffa Road in Jerusalem, Israel (between 1898 and 1914).

The Jewish Connection to Israel: Chapter Seven – Z is for Zionism (Part 2)

Zionism inspired hundreds of thousands of Jews to immigrate to the Land of Israel and start building a national home there. But what happened to the Jews once they got to the Land of Israel? How do you even start building a state? Keep on reading, and let’s find out! Welcome back to the second

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Theodor Herzl in Basel 1897

The Jewish Connection to Israel: Chapter Seven – Z is for Zionism (Part 1)

Zionism is one of the most influential movements of the 20th century. What is Zionism? How did it start? Why was it needed? And who is Theodor Herzl? Hang tight, as you will soon find out! As you remember, we left off at the disastrous aftermath of the Bar Kokhba revolt, in 136 CE. In

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Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem

The Jewish Connection to Israel: Chapter Six – The Roman-Jewish wars in Judah

We all know that the Roman Empire was one of the greatest empires in the world, overthrowing existing empires. But did you know that the Jewish people in Judah fought them not once but twice? What caused the Roman-Jewish wars in Judah? And how successful were the Jews? Well, prepare yourself to read the surprising

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Jews mourning the exile in Babylon

The Jewish Connection to Israel: Chapter Five – Return from Babylon and The Second Temple in Jerusalem

When we left off, things were bad. The kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah were defeated, and almost all of the Israelites were exiled from the Holy Land. The Israelites of the northern kingdom, Israel, are dispersed and forever lost (The Ten Lost Tribes, remember?). The Israelites of the southern kingdom of Judah

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Israelite prisoners flee burning Jerusalem

The Jewish Connection to Israel: Chapter Four – The Exile to Babylon

When we left off, it was around 960 BC. King Solomon has just finished building the first temple. The Israelites lived (relatively) peacefully, as a powerful nation with an advanced society. An easy breezy era ahead, right? Well… read the title of this chapter again. it literally says The Exile to Babylon. As nations tend

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David displays Goliath's head

The Jewish Connection to Israel: Chapter Three – King David and Jerusalem (and the Temple too)

The connection between King David and Jerusalem inspired Jewish people throughout the times. But how did the story begin? Why did Jerusalem become so important to the Jewish people?  Find out as our story continues! When we left the story, the Israelites left Egypt and started their route to the promised land – the Land

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Israelites escape Egypt

The Jewish Connection to Israel: Chapter Two – Israelites in Egypt (Part II)!

Where were we? Ah, yes. When we left part I of the story of Israelites in Egypt, Moses and his brother Aaron try to free the Israelites (a.k.a. Hebrews) from slavery in Egypt. They turn to the Pharaoh again and again, pleading “Let my people go!” by the name of the God of Israel. Yet

The Jewish Connection to Israel: Chapter Two – Israelites in Egypt (Part II)! Read More »